


The sustainability of the global environment, including climate change mitigation, has become an urgent issue. As a company that provides solution services throughout Japan by "training and IT," we recognize that reducing environmental burden is an important issue in order to pass on a sustainable environment to the next generation, as well as to expand the scale of our business and solve social issues in the future.
In order to support sustainable development on a global scale, activities to reduce environmental impact based on a long term perspective are essential. Our group will continue to contribute to the reduction of environmental impact not only within our own company but also throughout our business operations.


Although our CO₂ emissions are not high compared to other industries due to our dependence on natural capital and lack of large-scale production equipment, our energy use is increasing as our workforce grows. In response to future climate change risks and opportunities, and with an eye toward achieving carbon neutrality by 2050, we have set long-term environmental goals and are promoting our business activities.

 ●Achieve "net zero" CO₂ emissions (Scope 1+2) from business activities by 2050

 ●Reduce Scope 2 (CO₂ emissions from electricity) by 50% from the 2020 level by 2030

 ●Reduce CO₂ emissions from in-house paper use by 50% from 2020 levels by 2030

Structure CO₂ Reduction Committee

The Committee is chaired by the Director and Managing Executive Officer, and is composed of personnel mainly from the CEO Office and the Group Human Resources and General Affairs Department. Through monthly committee meetings, the committee works with each department to identify the current status of CO₂ reductions, set targets, plan to ensure thorough implementation within the company.

Our Effort

Endorsement of TCFD Recommendations

In February 2021, Insource Group announced its support for the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosure), recognizing that climate change is an issue that will have a significant impact on society and the Group. Recognizing the importance of climate-related financial disclosure, we are committed to disclosing information in accordance with the framework recommended by the TCFD.

※ *Abbreviation for The Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures. It was established in 2015 by the Financial Stability Board (FSB) at the request of the G20. It assesses the financial impact of climate change risks and opportunities on management and recommends disclosure of "Governance," "Strategy," "Risk Management," and "Metrics and Targets".

Introduction of renewable energy

In September 2023, Insource Kyushu Building (in Fukuoka-shi, Fukuoka Prefecture), and in December 2023, Insource Dokanyama Building, Insource Bunkyo Building, and Insource Hakusan Building (all in Tokyo) converted their electricity use to 100% renewable energy derived electricity using non-fossil certificate with tracking.

Introduction Period Name of Company Building Electricity Consumption※ Details
2023.09 Insource Kyushu Building 104,575 Non-FIT power stations
Non-FIT Non-Fossil Certificate (renewable)
2023.12 Insource Dokanyama Building 108,496 Non-FIT power stations, FIT power stations
FIT Non-Fossil Certificate
2023.12 Insource Bunkyo Building 101,789
2023.12 Insource Hakusan Building 94,321
※FY22(Actual), Unit:Kwh

Electronic Training Textbook Service

We have traditionally provided training services using paper textbooks. In order to promote paperless training to reduce CO₂ emissions, we started the "Electronic Textbook Service" in April, 2022. We first introduced this service for On-Site Training and Open Seminars (online), allowing customers to choose electronic textbooks as well as conventional paper textbooks according to their training patterns.
This new service will prevent delays in textbook delivery due to social conditions, and is expected to reduce our transportation costs. It will also help reduce burdens of our staff and improve convenience for our customers.
This is a reduction of about 7 tons of CO₂, which is equivalent to about 48,000 paper textbooks.

Development and expansion of sustainability-related training

We develop approximately 300 new trainings per year, and in recent years we have strengthened the development of training related to sustainability and ESG, as well as content to support corporate reform and problem solving required by ESG management. The 2023 training textbook for new employees has also expanded the content of the SDGs to include information on CO₂ reduction and other initiatives that each individual can take.

Initiatives on Climate Change so far


  1. Feb


    Endorsed TCFD

  2. Mar


    Highly efficient and energy-efficient air-conditioning equipment was installed along with the relocation of the headquarters functions, Adopted LEDs

  3. Oct


    Strengthening power saving by appointing an ESG employee on each floor, starting with company-owned buildings


  1. Feb


    Established CO2 Reduction Subcommittee (Chairperson: Director, Managing Executive Officer), Set long-term environmental goals

  2. Mar

    In-house PJ

    Launched each task force (Ex.)

    • Enhance in-house power saving

    • Reduce paper use

    • Introduce renewable energy

    • Renew printers

    • Provide electronic textbook service

    • Develop training content

  3. Apr


    Launched an electronic textbook service in the training business

  4. May


    Released environmental information in the Integrated Report 2021

  5. Jun


    Introduced heat-shielding and light-shielding sheets at each business site

  6. Jul


    Established Sustainability Committee (chairperson: Director, Managing Executive Officer)

  7. Sep


    Opened Insource Kyushu Building with a lower environmental impact

  8. Dec


    Opened Sustainability webpage, Disclosed status of response to TCFD recommendations


  1. Feb


    Changed in-house A4 paper use (amount used in FY21: approx. 12 million sheets) to FSC-certified paper

  2. Apr


    Added a section on SDGs and climate change to the basic business textbook provided to new employees (68,000 new employees attended in FY21)