Followership Training

Followership Training
13/10/09 Update

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Aims and features

Why is followership in high demand now?

The role of the management level has been changing recently. Apart from being just a “specialist” for management, they are expected to be “playing managers” who initiate both management and business in the field as a player. Also, "facilitating” business management skills are now more required instead of "top-down" management skills. Under these circumstances, even subordinates are expected to take initiatives in business management, and the mindset "to assist the management aggressively" is called "followership".

Followership arousing is effective for teamwork building.

There are always competent leaders in organizations that produce good results. However, in fact, it is the subordinates who are competent enough to understand the aims of the instructions that allow the leaders to perform to their fullest.
Thus development of “followers” is indispensable for an organization to enhance mutual understanding and improve performance.
For foreign affiliates and multi-national firms that need more efforts in facilitating communication and building teamwork, it is especially effective to develop “followership” in their organizations.

What is a “follower”?

A follower is “a person who follows” a leader “who leads” rest of them. A follower is expected not only just to follow instructions but also to be active and take initiatives in his/her own actions.

For example, it often happens that an assistant leader who follows the leader and leads subordinates has to make a judgment on the spot without the leader. He may have to interpret the leader’s rough instruction and understand his intention. Or in some cases, it might be necessary for him to express disagreement with the leader’s wrong decision. Of course, a follower is not allowed to act without any permission as far as he is working for an organization, even though he is expected to be active. It is important to fully understand the intention of the superior, the leader of an organization. The role of a follower is to act on his own initiative based on the leader’s intention, and convey it to other members so that the whole organization understands it.

Team management will be more effective by developing such active followers as mentioned above, because they understand the intention and vision their leaders aim for, and are able to clearly demonstrate those views as well as motivate and lead subordinates to the goal in the best condition.

Insource training focuses on practical issues.

You will learn how to communicate with the superior and subordinates in our followership training. You will be able to acquire not only the theory and mindset of followership but also practical skills of followership through case studies and role-play.


  • What kind of role is required of me?
  • Assist your superior.
    Follow instructions and orders. Express understanding and approval.
    Play a part of the leader’s initiatives.
  • Support juniors.
  • Support the team.
    Gather the team force.

Sample training program

Sample Program
  • 1. Think of your own role.
    (1)What would you expect from different standpoints?
    【Exercise】 What would you expect from your subordinates if you were a superior?
    【Exercise】 What would you expect from your superior if you were a subordinate?
  • 2.The role
    (1)The required role = a leader and a follower
    (2)Leaders and followers are comrades who share the common targets.
    (3)The required conditions for a good "follower"
    ①Capable of contributing ②Capable of criticizing
    (4)Types of followers
    ①Partner (High contribution/low criticism)
    ②Performer (High contribution/low criticism)
    ③Individualist (Low contribution/ low criticism)
    ④Subordinate (Low contribution/ low criticism)
    ⑤Grasp the current conditions of your organization and yourself.
    【Exercise】 Confirm the mission and the vision of your organization.
    【Exercise】 Figure out which type you are.
  • 3.Assist your superior as a follower.
    (1)The purpose of communicating with a superior ~Communication with a superior
    【Exercise】 Reflect on the past contacts with a superior and the purpose.
    (2)Understand the superiors' judgment criteria.
    (3)Ho-Ren-So (reporting, contacting and consulting) Help your superior in his judgment by Ho-Ren-So.
  • 4.Guide and support subordinates as a leader.
    【Exercise】 Discuss failures (regrets) in business-instructing.
    (1)Four elements of business instructions (Who, What, When, How)
    (2)How to have subordinates report/ consult
    (3)Check the progress.
    【Exercise】 Examine the business management of your department.
    (4)Feedback "Praising" and "scolding"
    【Exercise】 Identify points to praise and points that need to be improved in you subordinates.
    (5)Communication which inspires subordinates/ juniors
    (6)Hand down the must-know knowledge.
    【Exercise】 Think how to share your many years of knowledge
  • 5.Problem-finding skills required of a business management leader
    (1)The basic flow of problem-solving (Understand the order.)
    (2)The method of problem-solving
    (3)Problem-finding (Six perspectives)
    【Exercise】 Analyze the current condition of business management from six different perspectives.
  • 6.Wrap-up ~In order to demonstrate followership from tomorrow
    【Exercise】 Create a breakthrough plan for three months based on the training.

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