Our concepts of training and education business
The contents should be something applicable to your actual work from tomorrow.
What we emphasize most is to provide the content that is applicable in your workplace from tomorrow. Although it might sound extreme, you cannot expect any effect from a noble theory and a successful business model unless they are practicable. Of course, we have some theory oriented training programs such as “logical thinking training” and “marketing training”. However, we think those training programs have no value without other practicable parts corresponding to the actual work. As a Confucian school said that true knowledge must be practiced, we put the most priority on reviving “the knowledge” acquired in a training program on the ground.
“Collecting voices on the ground through preparatory surveys”-We were able to came up with the idea because we were amateurs.
When we launched our business about a decade ago, we used to be amateurs who knew nothing about the basics of training programs such as trendy training styles or theories. So we tried to understand the problems and needs of each organization by conducting preparatory surveys and designed and modified curriculum, texts and case studies according to the result of the surveys.
As a result of our effort, a lot of "voices on the ground" from various companies and public offices were collected and we were able to grasp the training needs. We have established our own style of training until now while we conduct more than 8,000 training programs per year. We would like to always keep on providing training programs required in the frontline of business by conducting preparatory surveys.
※Examples of preparatory survey questions
- What kinds of complaints do you usually receive and how do you deal with them?
- What is “troubling” or “hard” you ever felt in OJT training or subordinate-guiding?
- What do you think important in giving explanation in your organization or to your customers?
Training is a small “solution”.
We do not take “training” not only as a mere place to acquire knowledge but also as a small “solution” that enables business improvement and personal breakthrough. We would like to provide solutions grasping problems in each organization by conducting a preparatory survey.
A mechanism to revive the knowledge: practical exercises corresponding to the situation of your workplace
We focus on practical exercises including group work and individual work so as that participants will be able to apply what they learn in the training to their actual work immediately. In a group work, participants have many opportunities to discuss with other members, and in an individual work, they will learn how to find and solve problems by filling in a frame work sheet.
【Group work】
Participants will form some groups to discuss in the training. You will think, speak your opinion, listen to others, and think again. It is a mechanism that helps you to make what you learned practicable immediately.
【Individual work】
Meanwhile, in our individual work session, you are required to fill in a work sheet and make a plan of doing from tomorrow.
Those works of our training programs will revive "the knowledge" on the spot as stated earlier and facilitate your business improvement and personal breakthrough.