Complaint Handling Training

Complaint Handling Training
21/06/03 Update

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Aims and features

Complaints always happen.

As long as business is providing products or services, complaints always happen in any type of business of any country. Recently, the number of “complaints” has been increasing since customers expect higher standards of products and services as variety of services have been developed.
The way of handling “complaints” is basically common in all countries.
It is to listen to the complainer patiently and try to understand how he/she feels first, to confirm the fact that is happening, and lastly seek for the solution and prevent the recurrence. Take these three steps and make use of complaints. You can make complaints as valuable as “treasure” to improve your organization.

Notes when you handle complaints in Japan.

First, you should be aware that the person who provides products and services and those who receive them are not on the equal footing. That is because the mindset of being thoughtful of customers and pleasing them just as they desire has long been cultivated as the spirit of business services in Japan. Besides, services provided by Japanese people have the world’s top class quality. That implies the standard of services they expect is also the world’s top class. Therefore, even if the basic procedure of handling complaints is all the same, you have to be especially careful about your etiquettes and wording when you deal with Japanese complainers.

From the very beginning, when you handle a complaint, you are required to be polite and proper to the complainer. Convey a message, “I take special care of you” with appropriate etiquettes, language and appearances.
And also, it is necessary to apologize to the complainer for “having made him/her uncomfortable.” Even in the early stage when it is still uncertain whether you are at fault or not because you haven’t confirmed the fact yet, it is important to show apology first.
These might be difficult to understand for those who are unfamiliar with the Japanese communication and culture. However, those words of apology and words to soften awkward topics are extremely effective to create smooth communication when it comes to business with Japanese people. When a complainer feels a sense of security, “I am being understood”, handled with politeness and courtesy, you will succeed to establish a relationship of trust.

Learn how to handle complaints through role-play.

You will role-play on “complaining/handling complaints” in our complaint handling training. First, you will learn the mindset, basic procedure and skills of complaint handling from the lectures. And then, you will role-play with other participant. Would you like to improve your communication skills to do business in the Japanese society? Allow us to help you acquire the specific knowledge and skills required to handle complaints such as appearance, bowing, wording, listening and claiming.

・What is a complaint all about?
Procedure of complaint handling
・Appearance, wording, etiquettes
・Understand the complainer’s feeling. “Listen to him/her.” 
 → Confirm the fact. → Proposal of a solution
Role play

Track Record

The reason why our training is popular

We are experts of this type of training in the training industry. This training is one of the our best trainings!
We held this training for more than 200 times in a year and more than 10,000 trainees attended this training. We must thank our customers that participants came from many industries, such as food service, hotel, transportation, government and municipal offices, finance, call centers, construction, real estates, medical service, and welfare, therefore we have all-round experiences in dealing with different industries. By applying those experiences, we can arrange the training suiting the needs of each industry.

Total participants
20,825(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)


Content: Understood well,

Trainer: Excellent・Good

Comments from participants

Our Coach

Lecturers will hold a training that arouse empathy!!
All lecturers have experiences of "listening to complaints" on the spot. They all understand the situation and are able to share the tough experiences of receiving complaints with trainees. For this reason, the satisfaction of this training by trainees is always very high.

Sample training program

Sample Program
  • 1. CS comes first before handling complaints.
    (1)Think CS from different perspectives.
    【Exercise】 If I were a customer(a citizen), what would I expect the organization and the other staff to do?
    (2) What is CS?
    (3) Points in promoting CS
  • 2.What is complaints ?
    (1)Background and tendency of complaints
    (2)Three reasons why you cannot handle complaints properly
    ①Because you don't understand the feeling of a complainer.
    ②Because you make excuses.
    ③Because you cannot grasp the facts.
  • 3.Four basic steps of complaint handling
    ※Follow the 4 basic steps, and you will be able to handle complaints properly. (Great many techniques are not necessary.)
    (1)Basic step 1: Have a strong awareness of being the person in charge of complaint handling.
    (2)Basic step 2: Try to understand the feeling of the customer (citizen) and show it with your actions.
    (3)Basic step 3: Identify what is the problem to be solved and what are the complainer's demands.
    (4)Basic step 4: Calmly propose an alternative or a solution to the complainer.
Pair work
  • 4.The method of complaint handling for each case
    (1) When you made a mistake or caused inconvenience to the complainer.
    (2)When you made no mistake, or when you are not sure whether you caused inconvenience to the complainer
    (3)How to deal with a furious customer (citizen) ~Use "facts"effectively.
    (4)How to deal with a troublesome case
    (5)How to deal with malicious complaints
  • 5.Case studies of complaint handling
    ■Sample themes
    Case studies will be prepared based on the prior survey result.
    ①Role-play in pairs (a customer and a responder)
    Recall what you experienced and play the role with your vivid description.
    ②Review your role play.
    Discuss what you felt while complaining and what kinds of responses are acceptable or unacceptable among all participants.
    Feedbacks will be given by the instructor.
    ■Expected effects
    ①You will learn how to handle complaints from the customers' perspectives.
    ②You will learn how to keep "your cool judgment" and "how to solve problems" through continuous exercises of handling complaints.
    Role-play in pairs (a staff and a customer) based on cases that can actually happen in your workplace.
Role play
  • 6.How to deal with complaints with the whole organization?
    (1)Complaint handling should be initiated by the whole organization.
    (2)Establish an organizational complaint handling system.
    (3)Reduce number of complaints drastically by holding an one-hour countermeasure meeting once a month.

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