Business Skills Training for non-Japanese employees (1 day)

0005Business Skills Training for non-Japanese employees (1 day)
13/10/28 update


You will learn basic work rules, business manners and communication skills that are indispensable to achieve high quality business performance in Japan. Also you will acquire the business writing skills that will help you to convey matters effectively as well.

Sample training programs

Sample training program
  • 1. Basic work rules required of a member of society
    (1) Rules while going to work
    (2) Rules on duty
    (3) Rules when you are going out of office and during breaks
    (4) Rules when you leave office
    (5) Appropriate manners and behaviors while you are out of office
    (6) Appropriate manners and behaviors when you attend parties ※Pay attention to the order of precedence that is different from during business
    (7) Health management
    (8) Rules in taking leaves
    (9) Rules when you are going to be late
  • 2. Confirm business manners
    (1) What are business manners?
    (2) The first impression
    (3) Facial expressions and attitudes
    (4) Appearance
    (5) Greetings
    (6) Wordings
    (7) Telephone call handling
    (8) Manners when visiting
    (9) Manners when receiving a guest
    【Exercise】Two persons (A sales staff and a client) role play of visiting and hosting
  • 3. How you think of your work
    (1) What is work all about?
    ~Know that a lot of processes are required and various people must be engaged in to create a single product.
    (2) Teamwork is important when you work.
    ~Be aware of the previous process and the following process.
  • 4.Communication when working
    (1) The importance of Communication
    【Exercise】Share your troubles caused by the lack of communication.
    (2) Communication that boosts work efficiency
    (3) How to receive tasks/instructions
    (4) The principle of reporting, contacting and consulting
    【Exercise】What would you do in this case?
    Off-the-track reporting, contacting and consulting
    (5) Why do some tasks have to be assigned to someone?
    (6) The procedure of asking a task
    (7) The proper way of asking a task
    (8) “Appropriate information” improves work efficiency
  • 5.Points for achieving high quality business performance
    (1) Focus on prioritizing
    (2) Appreciate the importance of QCDRS (quality, cost, delivery, risk and sales)
    (3) Work is, after all, the repetition of “RG-PDCAR” (Research Goal - Plan Do Check Action.
    (4) Mistakes and risks in work
    ~It is essential to prevent mistakes and risks beforehand rather than to manage them after the occurrence.
    【Exercise】Fill in a risk detection sheet.⇒ Prioritize possible risks. ⇒ Examine countermeasures.
  • 6. Convey what you would like to tell in a comprehensible way.
    (1) What is it to convey what you would like to tell in a comprehensible way?
    (2) What does it mean that there is a contact between the two persons before they start talking?
    (3) What should be paid attention to while talking?
    (4) Why is it necessary to take the opponent's feeling into consideration while talking?
    (5) Points of talking posture, attitude and expression
    ~The appearance counts.
    (6) Use common words. ~Technical terms are not communicable.
    【Exercise】Identify “technical terms” and “foreign words” that have been frequently used without awareness.
    (7) How to conclude a conversation
    (8) An intensive training of “talking”
    【Exercise】Practice “talking”
  • 7. Business documents
    (1) The basic knowledge
    (2) Points for writing a business document
    (3) Internal documents ~The report ①To whom? (Your superior) ②The amount of words ③Expressiveness in writing
    Specific method of writing a report consists of three parts such as title, summary and details will be provided.
    【Exercise1】Share and review the summary you wrote for the preparatory survey with other members.
    【Exercise2】Practice a high level summary writing.
    【Exercise3】Practice report-making
  • 8 Wrap-up ~Review of the training and information about a test to be conducted later
    ※We will report the result to you after grading in our company.

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