Negotiation Skills Training

Negotiation Skills Training
13/09/26 Update

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Aims and features

What is negotiation?

There is always a situation where you have to negotiate with customers or stakeholders in business world. "Negotiation" often tends to be mistaken as the process of a discussion or diplomacy with others. However, we believe that the real meaning of "negotiation" includes "producing a result" of realizing aims and intentions.
However, in business world, "negotiation" should not be achieved by force beating the opponent with strong words since your opponents of negotiations are mostly stakeholders whom you need to maintain good business connections even after the negotiation. Successful negotiation is to get your opponents' full acceptance and even secure their share of benefits if possible, apart from ensuring your own benefits.

Notes when negotiating in Japan-The differences in communication and business culture

Naturally, non-Japanese employees of foreign affiliates and multi-national companies in Japan would often encounter negotiation situations with Japanese people and Japanese companies. You may be bewildered with the Japanese business culture and the Japanese communication style that are different from those of your own countries. You may often find your negotiation skills that were effective in your home countries useless in Japan.
For example, Japanese people prefer using ambiguous expressions such as “Zensho shimasu(I’ll do my best to meet your expectation.)” instead of “No” when rejecting. It is often heard that non-Japanese are confused and find it difficult to interpret such an ambiguous expression as “Zensho shimasu” . They just don’t understand whether it is okay to continue the negotiation or not. Japanese people rarely say “No” to avoid negative opinions and direct strong expressions that may hurt the other party since they value “harmony” the most.

For another example, it sometimes happens that non-Japanese are surprised to find that a Japanese negotiating partner has no authority of decision-making after they got the partner’s approval and rejoiced at the success of a negotiation. And the negotiation was left unsettled for a long time while an approval document is circulated among several executives. That is because Japanese companies have established a system to decentralize decision-making responsibilities among a number of executives who have the authority of decision-making since they value “teamwork” more than “individual”. Thus it is necessary to take not only a person or department in charge but also the executives or whole the organization into consideration as the negotiation partner.
As mentioned above, your excellent negotiation skills have no use unless you understand the Japanese way of communication and the Japanese business culture.

Practical knacks for successful negotiation in Japan

You will learn not merely negotiation theories but also practical knacks for successful negotiation encompassing the features of Japanese communication and Japanese organizations in our negotiation training. And you will acquire practical skills as well as knowledge through intensive role-play on actual business cases.

・What is negotiation?
 The aim of a negotiation-Win-Win result
・Japanese communication and Japanese business culture
 Questions frequently raised in negotiations with Japanese people
・Preparation for a negotiation
 Research and scenario-making
 Making materials
・Actual negotiation
 Let the negotiation partner speak.
 Convince him.
・Role play (case studies)

Track Record

The reason why our training is popular

Learn the fundamental points of negotiation
In negotiation, it is fundamental to bear in mind to maintain business connections that will continue in good terms with the other party in future. Therefore, our training aims to change your consciousness to form mindsets toward negotiation such as "to bring out the solution that can maximize the total profits of the party concerned" or “to grasp the matter in advance”.

Know the importance of “common sense/ business knowledge/ personal character”.
Common sense and business knowledge are the most essential for a businessperson to perform satisfactory negotiations. Moreover, a good personal character is also required for a harmonious negotiation. That is why we believe that improving these basic human competences is the first step for successful negotiation.

Learn "the advance preparations" which holds a key to successful negotiation and "the practical skills" by actual experiences.
After understanding mindsets and the basic concept of negotiation, you will learn the tips of “advance preparations” for successful negotiations and “techniques” that can be directly applied to actual negotiations. In this training, we put more focus on thoroughly acquiring those skills through actual exercises rather than merely listening to lectures on theories. To be more specific, you will learn by creating “a negotiation preparation sheet”, and practical skills that are designed based on preparatory assignments to meet your needs in your everyday work.

Role-playing exercises on negotiation
In addition, there will be over-3-hours role-play session to simulate actual cases in workplace to obtain more practical techniques.

Total participants
960(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)


Content: Understood well,

Trainer: Excellent・Good

Comments from participants

  • The training was really easy to understand, and I liked that it adopted a lot of group works. I learned that it is fundamental to conduct negotiation to understand perspectives, circumstances, and thoughts of the other party.
  • Case studies based on actual cases that can often happen in everyday work were really useful. Lectures on the importance of paying attention to mental condition of the other party gave me a new perspective. I would like to come back again and again.
  • I was able to reflect on how I had acted, and would like to feedback it into my everyday work. The training taught me new perspectives such as to be fair-minded and the importance of "listening" rather than just "hearing". I will do my best.

Our Coach

The lecturers have many experiences of negotiation, an excellent career to negotiation, and fully know the importance of advance preparations and communications skills. Trainees will sympathize the lecturers’ hard-oriented experiences and the successful experiences can be given to trainees as ray of light.

Sample training program

Sample Program
  • 1.Discuss negotiation.~Let's discuss negotiations in your everyday work.
  • 2.The fundamental points for negotiation
     Make sure to complete negotiation. ~Avoid wasting time you spent on negotiation.  
     Make your fullest efforts to bring out the solution which can maximize the total benefits of the party concerned.
     Behind-the-scenes negotiations are sometimes more effective than face-to-face negotiations.
     Negotiation in business world should always be made with friendly mind.  
  • 3.Process~Become a negotiation expert by knowing its process.
  • 4.Required conditions for negotiation
     An appropriate personal character that creates trust  
     Careful consideration for the other party
     An appropriate appearance  
     Make the other party feel indebted/ avoid owing before negotiation.  
     Knowledge required of a negotiator~The business knowledge and common sense
  • 5.Techniques of negotiation ~The importance of preparations
     Thorough investigation before negotiation
     Scenario-making and target-clarification of a negotiation  
     Behind-the-scenes negotiations inside the company  
     Refusing negotiation can also be one of the effective tactics of "negotiation".  
     Material preparation ~Prepare visual materials for negotiation. Negotiation practices  
  • 6.During negotiation
     Find common ground with the other party.  ~Make room to avoid tension as soon as possible.
       Make the other party feel like talking eagerly. ~"Listening" is one of the strongest skills in negotiation.  
     Try understanding the feeling of the other party.  
      Skill to persuade① ~Appeal merits.  
      Skill to persuade② ~Request compliance.
      Skill to persuade③ ~Appeal to the other party's feelings.  
      Skill to persuade④ ~Methods to convey "things hard to tell".
       a. Consensus-building  b. The basic procedure  
       c. Points according to cases  
      Skill to persuade⑤ ~and more.  
     Speaking skills in negotiation  
     Successful negotiation needs close teamwork. (Do not hesitate to ask for help.)  
     Negotiate terms and conditions. ~Sell at your beneficial price.  
     Matters to handle after the negotiation~Avoid mistakes in scheduling/ clerical works.
  • 7.Case study
    ■Theme: A case that often happens will be provided based on pre-training assignment.
    ①Make a scenario based on the case by dividing group members into "negotiating side" and "the other side".  
    ②Role play in pairs. ※Repeat ①②exchanging roles.
    ③Role play Feedback & opinion-sharing with the whole class.
    ④Feedback from the instructor
     Experiencing both sides in various cases through intensive scenario-making and role-playing exercises improves your negotiation skills and brings you the best result while avoiding the worst scenario in any case.
     (e.g.)①Negotiation for delivery delay~Handling delivery delay of a pressing case.
         ②Negotiation for a price reduction of an estimation ~Requesting price reduction of a high estimated amount.  

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