Time management is now again receiving a lot of attention.
Recently, time management has been receiving a lot of attention again. It is because higher labor productivity is required to achieve results with the limited manpower that might be reduced but never be increased.
Try to control your management of work rather than time itself.
How many days have you ever had that you can say “I have no regrets today.”? Nowadays, people are required to handle more tasks with limited manpower. Aren’t you oppressed with too much work which never ends in a limited amount of time you have? Everyone is given 24 hours a day equally. You cannot control time itself. It is “your work” management that you should take control of. Our time management training is designed to encourage your business improvement to be enjoyable with the minimum effort after intensive research and analysis of how you use your time both at your work and in private life.
Personal time management and organizational time management
Think “What is working all about?” first when you deal with time management. An individual accomplishes tasks. And individuals co-operate each other and achieve goals as a team. Both can be called “work”. Therefore, there are both personal time management that is initiated individually and organizational time management that is initiated by a team or the whole organization. As for the personal time management, you improve your time management skills by breaking down your tasks into units, making a list of them, and prioritizing them to accomplish them one by one efficiently. As for the organizational time management, you improve management efficiency by aggressively sharing works that one cannot accomplish alone and facilitating communication in the organization to strengthen teamwork.
Generally speaking, in Western countries, people seem to recognize working to be handled individually rather than in teams. Each individual employee’s task is clearly shown in the job description. He/she fully focuses on achieving his/her tasks within a given time according to the description. On the other hand, in Japan, people value “teamwork” when working. For Japanese people, work should be handled in cooperation with the whole team members to achieve goals rather than individually.
Insource’s time management training improves efficiency of the whole team.
Our time management training teaches how to improve efficiency of the whole team by facilitating communication in addition to the methods to improve individual work efficiency. You will be able to promote time management more steadily in your organization because personal and organizational efforts for efficiency will create a synergy effect.
<Process> ・What is work all about? Work that can be handled individually Communication is important when working ・Break down tasks. Set a goal. ・Clarify the priorities. ・Communication required in working Listening skill Reporting, contacting, consulting ・Promote organizational efficiency. Facilitate your work. ~work management ・Wrap-up ~make an action plan.
We have opened Time Management training over 100 times last year. As the number of inquiry has been rapidly increasing recently, the training has now become one of the most popular programs. Though we have arranged this training for all kinds of organizations, adoptions of the training have been increasing especially in the fields of health and welfare, IT business, government offices, and universities.
Total participants
5,059(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)
Comments from participants
The instructors with extensive experiences of struggles and successes will guide you to improve efficiency (effective use of time). Particularly, we have many instructors with high ability of organizing (the ability to organize thoughts in the brain, actual tasks, and working environment). Their training mixed with a variety of experiences have been raising the satisfaction of our training participants even more.
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