Training on Business Games

Training on Business Games
12/12/19 Update

Track record Line up Our Coach Contact

Aims and features

We are introducing our leading programs of business games, the "Domino Series".

1. Domino Interior
This is our most popular game program. Participants in each team will be manufacturing interior products based on a customer's (instructor) order serving as "an interior(furniture) manufacturer". Which is focusing on target-setting, communications among team members, and business improvement(PDCA).

2. Domino House
Participants in each team will be constructing a house or a town based on the ideal image from a customer (instructor) as "a house builder". This program is focusing on marketing, target-sharing, and result-pursuing.

Track Record

The reason why our training is popular

While we are receiving requests and holding training throughout the year, the following programs are especially popular in particular seasons.

・For Prospective Employees(October ~ March): The program enables participants to learn important perspectives and attitudes while deepening friendships among prospective employees. Please contact us if you are thinking "It would be waste to let events for prospective employees be just a drinking session".

・For Newcomers(April ~May):These two months are busy season for the training and they are mostly focusing on the importance of communication and team-work. Please contact us if you are thinking training for newcomers need a fresh breeze.

・For Foreign Companies(All Year):We have intensive experiences of conducting training on international team-building. The training are available in English. (Other languages are also negotiable. Cost separately.)

・For M&A Related Companies(All Year):We have intensive experiences of conducting training focusing on the harmony between acquiring companies and acquired companies.

・For the entire companies :We have intensive experiences of conducting training on team-building across positions and departments.

Total participants
649名(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)


Content: Understood well,

Trainer: Excellent・Good

Comments from participants

    • I got the idea of the proper quality and the attractive quality. Since I am now aware of what I want to try and change I would like to practice them in my department. The contents of the training were easy to understand.
    • The contents of the training were new to me. It was a good opportunity to know the attractive quality from the "customers' perspectives", and reflect on my everyday work.
    • I learned the importance of communications and being favorable without preconceived ideas while talking to others sharing the common target with team members. Thank you.

Our Coach

We offer the best instructor that suits your need based on the main purposes of training, the participants' ages and the business culture of your company.

Sample training program

この研修カリキュラムはあくまで一例です。お客さまの課題・お悩みに応じて柔軟にカスタマイズ可能です。また、研修効果を高め定着化を促進する「研修呼び覚 まシステム」や研修担当者様の負担を減らし効率向上を支援する「研修管理サービス」もございます。お気軽にご相談下さい。

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