Logical Thinking Training

Logical Thinking Training
13/10/09 Update

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Aims and features

Logical thinking as “a common language”

It is an important business skill to persuade the opponent through communication. Japanese people tend to rely on non-verbal communication with someone familiar because they expect him/her understand what they would like to tell even though a lot of things remain unsaid.

However, they cannot stick to this method of communication when it comes to their opponent is someone they meet for the first time, or someone with different organizational culture or different language and nationality. In these situations, they only have logic to make the communication through. Only “to be logical” becomes “the common language” here.

This training will address the logic, that is effective as “a common language” in any situation and “the logical thinking skills” that are indispensable to master logic. We especially recommend those working for foreign affiliated and multi-national companies that have extremely low-context culture to acquire the logical thinking skills.

What does being logical mean?

“Being logical” means to be reasonable with consistency. Apart from it, to be apparently convincing and practical is additionally required in business. It is important to clearly show the reason why you think that way about an opinion or a conclusion reasonable and understandable from the opponent’s perspective.

There are some patterns in the convincing reasoning.

There are some patterns in the convincing reasoning. In one case, you tell “the conclusion” first, and then show “the reason” for it later. And in another case, you lead the opponent to the conclusion based on a general idea, which is called “deduction”. Or in inductive method, you derive a commonality, the conclusion from several cases.

Insource’s logical thinking training is practical.

Logical thinking training might sound like an academic lecture. However, a lot of concrete examples and exercises are included in the training programs because we think it is important to make good use of logical thinking in workplace. How about acquiring logical thinking skills that are effective in various business situations such as negotiations, presentations, writing business documents and meeting by attending our logical thinking training?

Understand the meaning and purpose of logical thinking.
・What is logical thinking?
Understand the basic method.
・Basic method① MECE Basic method② So what / Why so
 Basic method③ Logic trees ④Deduction and induction
Make use of ways of thinking
・Hypothesis thinking, framework thinking
Make sure what you have learned and have practical exercises.
 Comprehensive exercise on logical thinking

Track Record

The reason why our training is popular

Total participants
1,824(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)


Content: Understood well,

Trainer: Excellent・Good

Comments from participants

    • It is not possible to acquire logical thinking skill immediately.Since I have learned how to think logically so I want to use it practically and by this way I want to be able to think logically. I have learned a lot by listening others point of view.
    • I feel that my out look has been spread by today's lecture.I would like to practice it from tomorrow since it is easily forgetable if I am not conscious about it from now on.I know that thare are something which is not possible to think logically immediately so I would like to practice it in daily basis.
    • This exercise was very helpful.I have understand the importance of making conversation simply and easily.I think from now on it will be helpful to me .
    • I have understand logical way of thinking what I did not realize so far.Obviously I would like to utilize it in my projects.
    • It was an interesting process to organize the logical thinking by being able to discuss and listening other's opinions and ideas in a group.

Our Coach

The faculties are excellent and very logical. The faculties, either came from system engineering or business improvement background have gained a lot of popularity and very demanding.

Sample training program

Sample Program
  • 1.What is logical thinking?
    (1)What is persuasive way of speech?
    【Exercise】 Ask staff the reason for the increase in sales.
    (2) What is being logical? 
    (3) Three requirements to be logical
    (4) Required "whole picture" and "logic"
  • 2.The basics of logical thinking① ~MECE(Mutually Exclusive and Collectively Exhaustive)
    (1)Without exception, without repetition
    (2)Grasp visualizing.
    【Exercise】 Classify each case "without exception, without repetition."
    (3)Notes in classification
  • 3.The basics of logical thinking② ~SoWhat/WhySo
    (1)Connect processes with reasons and conclusions.
    (2)(So What)
    (3)(Why So)
    (4)Relations between "so what" and "why so"
    【Exercise】 Practice the way of convincing your opponent.
  • 4.The basics of logical thinking③ ~Logic tree
    【Exercise】Find how your presentation was improved after using a logic tree method.
  • 5.The basics of logical thinking④ ~Deduction and induction
    (1)Deduction (Syllogism)
    【Exercise】 Think of the validity of reasoning by the use of deduction
    (2) Induction
  • 6.The application of logical thinking① ~Hypothesis thinking
    (1)Merits of hypothesis thinking
    (2)Form a hypothesis by deduction and induction.
    (3)Examine the hypothesis.
  • 7.The application of logical thinking② ~Framework thinking
    (1)Aim of framework
    (2)Requirements for framework
    【Exercise】 Come up with a framework for each case to support your judgment.
    【Exercise】Think of effective way of using a matrix chart.
  • 8.Comprehensive exercise of logical thinking
    【Exercise 1】What do the number and distribution map of convenience stores show?
    【Exercise 2】Explain the reason of the success written in an article of a financial paper by the method of logical thinking
    【Exercise 3】Think how to apply the two exercises to your organization.

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