It is a widespread knowledge that the sense of unity and solidarity is getting weakened at the workplaces. Even in Japanese companies lifetime employment and seniority systems are being reconsidered due to the recent economic recessions. However, if an organization aims to grow, teamwork is the essential factor. It is believed that while an individual can contribute only a little, when put together, the effort of a team can bring a great result.
A good strategy is indispensable for an organization to success. However, it is the management skills which make the strategy actually leads the organization to success. And “organizational strength” is the pillar of the management skills. An organization can demonstrate their own strength only when “people” in the organization harmonize with each other and work without discord.
In order to enhance teamwork in the organization, it is important that the top management initiates aggressively and continuously. In particular, multicultural companies where different cultures and nationalities are mixed need further understanding and more efforts to establish teamwork that includes mutual understanding and smooth cooperation.
In this training, the following two are focused through a lot of group works and interactive exercises of business game.
We have conducted many training courses for local government, IT services and companies in other fields of service. We are capable of designing any curriculum that suits any particular situations where teamwork is a must, a training for newcomers, or for leaders, or where newcomers and their bosses sit together in the same class, just to name a few.
Total participants
658(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)
Comments from participants
This is not a training where an instructor gives his talk to a quiet audience. There will be a lot of time set aside for group works where participants are expected to show teamwork spirit. Our instructor is a skilled facilitator and a person currently in business, leading his own team.
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Experiencing business exercises | |
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