Follow-up Training for New Employees

Follow-up Training for New Employees
13/10/09 Update

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Aims and features

Thorough education for the young employees is the shortcut to the organization prosperity

In Japanese companies, it is believed that the employees are the most important “assets” of the organization and cultivating them is one of the responsibilities of the organization. And the employees are expected to work with “a thorough understanding of the organizations’ mindsets and values”.
Japanese companies focus not only on improving the operation skills but also cultivating mindsets of a member of the society and the organization. In particular, the new employees who lack the necessary knowledge and experiences are taught and supported extra carefully.

There are so many business manners and skills for the new employees to learn ranging from basic business manners such as “business card exchange” and “visiting/ welcoming”, business management skills, to essential communication skills such as “telephone answering” and “Ho-Ren-So(Reporting, contacting and consulting)”. However, it would not be wise to teach them too many things at a time. Please make sure to examine each skill’s priority carefully and schedule before planning the training contents.

We also provide supporting service for your training plan-making. Please do not hesitate to ask us.

“Looking back” to organize each point of the plan and raise motivation

We are also providing series of follow-up training in various timing to stop to “look back” whether the new employees are developing according to the schedule, what are acquired, and what are not yet. “Looking back” will help you organize each point of the plan to set the goal for tomorrow and raise motivation.

Our follow-up training programs also focus on improving communication skills such as “Ho-Ren-So” and brushing up mindsets along with acquiring skills apart from “looking back”. We can also provide training contents such as problem-solving and business documentation which is quite practical as you wish.

Subordinate-developing in mid-and long-term

These follow-up training programs are provided for widely ranging from new employees to the second- and third-year employees.

Track Record

The reason why our training is popular

We take much follow-up training as one of the stratified trainings or skill improvement trainings. These days, the attention of follow-up training is very high, and is increasing at a rate of an average of 170% every year.

Total participants
3,202(※Period covered:2012/4/1~2013/3/31)


Content: Understood well,

Trainer: Excellent・Good

Comments from participants

    • Handouts were made very intelligibly, and it was a good tool to re-recognize my own character. Moreover, I thought that it was good to recognize the point that I didn't notice by exchanging opinions. I have stress and troubles recently, I would like to step forward one new step taking advantage of this training.
    • I think it was a good opportunity because there were not any opportunities to discuss with the same new employees. We discussed how others work, how others spend time and how others feel about work. I think it became a reference for future.
    • I learned the importance of being positive and understood both my strong and weak points. It was a very precious experience because I didn’t analyze myself like I did in training.

Our Coach

We introduce a fit lecturer for the theme and the purpose of training. In follow-up training for younger, the lecturer (in one’s 30’s/40's) whom has less gap with a participant's age group is very popular.

Sample training program

Sample Program (2-days): The first day
  • 1.Differences between being a student and being a member of society
    (1)How is behaving as an adult different from being a student?
    【Exercise】 Think how behaving as a member of society is different from a student.
    (2)What is "a company"?
    (3)The importance of teamwork
  • 2.Consciousness of being a member of society
    (1)What is expected first is "self-control."
    (2)What to aim for is "independence."
    (3)Four points to become independent
    (4)The kind of people sought by organizations
    【Exercise】 Organize notes to become a person sought by organizations.
  • 3.The importance of communication
    (1)The importance of manners and greetings
    (2)How superiors and seniors feel about newcomers
    (3)Notes for communication in the workplace
    ①Don't omit manners and greetings.
    ②Remember that superiors and seniors are always "concerned about you."
    ③Don't miss "Reporting, contacting and consulting."
    Preparation skills ~Importance of preparation and process management
    Leadership ①Logical management of discussions
    ②Conflict management ③Methods of decision-making
    How to say "No" properly~Tips for gentle refusal
  • 4.The basic rules for being a member of society
    (1)Points in coming to work
    ①Arrive early. ②On your way to work
    (2)Points during work
    ①Follow the rules (compliance). ②Be punctual.
    ③Appropriate attitude toward work
    ④Appropriate behaviors while working
    ⑤Draw a line between work and private.
    (3)Points when working outside and during breaks
    ①When you leave your desk
    ②Always reminded that you are representing your company.
    (4)Points in leaving the office
    ①Greet when you are leaving
    ②Make a schedule for tomorrow.
    ③Tidy up your desk and belongings.④Greetings
    (5)Manners required outside of office
    ①Do not talk about your work-related matters.
    ②Avoid behaviors that degrade yourself.
    ③Don't take business papers and materials out of the office carelessly.
    (6)Thorough health care
    (7)When taking a leave
    ①When you take a leave with prior notice
    ②When you take a leave suddenly
    (8)When you are going to be late
  • 5.The basics of business etiquette
    (1)Why is a member of society required to have business manners?
    (2)What is business manners?
    (3)The importance of the first impression
    (4)Facial expressions and attitudes
    (5)Appearance ~Know what is the "appropriate" appearance.
    【Pair work】 Check each other's appearance with the check list in pairs.
    (6)Greetings ~Greetings is a part of your work.
    (7)Bows in Japan
  • 6.Wording/honorific expressions in Japanese language
    (1)Appropriate wording required of a member of society
    【Exercise】 Check awkward wording.
    (2)The basic of wording
    ①Respect language ②Humble language ③Polite language
    ④Terms frequently used in business
    ⑤Notes when handling honorific languages
    ⑥Favorable words ⑦How to request
    【Exercise】 Express with softening words.
  • 7.How to "listen" to others
    (1)Listen patiently to the other party and draw out more stories.
    (2)Ask questions to encourage the other party to talk more and get more detailed information.

Sample Program (2-days): The second day
  • 1.Telephone call-handling
    (1)Three iron rules of telephone call-handling ~Be thoughtful of the other party as a representative of your company.
    ①Be quick. ②Be accurate and precise. ③Be kind and careful.
    (2)The basic flow of telephone call-handling
    (3)The basics of telephone call-handling ~how to receive and transfer calls
    【Role play】 Practice telephone call-handling procedure from giving your name to finishing the call.
    【Role play】 Practice how to handle phone call when the person that the caller requested is absent.
    (4)The basics of telephone call-handling ~How to make a phone call
    (5)How to jot down memo
    (6)Idiomatic phrases used in business phone calls
    【Exercise】 How would you handle the case ~You received a telephone call but the person the caller requested is absent?
  • 2.Business manners in visiting
    (1)The basic business manners required in visiting
    (2)The seating order
    (3)Exchanging business cards
    【Role play】 Role play business card exchange
  • 3.Business manners when receiving a visitor
    (1)The basic attitude in receiving a visitor
    (2)The basic business manners in receiving a visitor
    【Role play】 Role play receiving a visitor
  • 4.The flow of work
    (1)The flow of work from the start through the end
    (2)Proceed work with the PDCA cycle.
    (3)Receiving work
    ①Receiving an instruction
    【Exercise】 Take a note of what you are instructed.
    ②Ask questions.
    (4)Make a plan.
    (5)Check points in making a plan
    ①Make sure the rules are observed.
    ②Is the outcome achieved in the level the opponent find satisfactory?
    ③Is the outcome well-balanced?
    【Case study】 Examine your boss's instruction to make a photocopy with Q(Quality), C(Cost), D(Delivery), R(Risk), S(Sales).
    (6)To do and check
    (7)Reporting, Contacting and Consulting
    ①Reporting ~To report to the boss is a subordinate's duty.
    ②Contacting ~To be responsible for the outcome
    ③Consulting ~It is you who decide whether to make use of advice from boss or not.
    【Exercise】 Report matters that occurred during the boss's absence to him/her.
    (8)How to deal with mistakes
    (9)Review your work (action).
  • 5. Case study ~Based on what you've learned in the former part, experience simulations.
  • 6.What should you do from now on? ~imagine your career in the future, and think what you should do from tomorrow.
  • 7.Set your goal and make an action plan.
    (1)Set "a goal" to achieve in three months.
    (2)Imagine you will step up one by one rather than aiming to 100 straight away.
    (3)Make an "action plan" you will start from today.
  • Appendix 1 Notes in handling private information
    Appendix 2 Build up your mental toughness.
    Appendix 3 What is sexual harassment?
    Appendix 4 Four basic procedures of complaints handling

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